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2016-06-27  TWM


Rajan: I think there is more of a consensus that monetary policy pretty much has run its course. So I think, in the industrial world at least, it seems as if unless we have a brainwave and understand fully what is really going on, it is really muddling through, doing what we can — which then means we have to be a little more pragmatic about growth. My sense is industrial countries' central banks should probably consider whether they are doing more harm than good by easing further.

Journalist: The Indian economy is the bright spot in the global economy….

Rajan: I think we've still to get to a place where we feel satisfied. We have this saying, "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." 拉詹:我想對於貨幣政策已經走到盡頭是一項共識。



拉詹:我想我們目前進展僅是差強人意。有個說法是這樣,「在一群盲人中,獨眼便能稱王。」run its course 順其自然、走到盡頭例句:Our relationship has run its course.


brainwave /ˋbrenwev/ n. 腦波、靈感例句:She had a brainwave that helped solve the problem.


do more harm than good 弊大於利例句:Unpredictable changes in policy would do more harm than good.



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