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Webb狠批特速 「厚待」大股東

1 : GS(14)@2012-10-10 22:50:25


15-year total
Under HK Listing Rules, directors pay has been disclosed in annual reports on
a named basis since 2005. In the 8 years to 31-Mar-2012, Mr & Mrs Chan were paid
a total of $268.2m (of which Mr Chan was paid $216.7m), while the total profit
attributable to shareholders over that period was just $60.4m.

Going back further, in the 7 years to 31-Mar-2004, the Executive Directors
were paid $206.0m, while the net loss attributable to shareholders was $307.9m.
The only EDs during that period were Mr & Mrs Chan and their children, but it is
clear from the pay bands that the vast majority went to Mr & Mrs Chan, with one
child earning between $1.0m and $1.5m in 4 of those years and otherwise below
$1m each.

Taking the 15 years together, the Chan family has taken pay of $492.8m, and
the total profit attributable to shareholders was...well, there wasn't any. It
was a total loss of $247.5m. And let's be clear, none of this pay was a breach of
the Listing Rules - because the Listing Rules contain no constraints on such
atrocious behaviour. During the same 15-year period, the
Webb-site Total
Return on the shares was -69.15%.
© Webb-site.com, 2012

倡修例 薪酬須小股東通過
2 : reference(1610)@2012-10-11 10:59:08

"要對INED(獨立非執董)有信心"....frankly I don't have any after attending various board meeting on my pre-IPO / post-IPO projects
3 : GS(14)@2012-10-11 21:36:46

"要對INED(獨立非執董)有信心"....frankly I don't have any after attending various board meeting on my pre-IPO / post-IPO projects

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=281692


1 : GS(14)@2017-02-07 05:15:41


來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170207/19920272
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=325813

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