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[問題]DXS 星X 銀行無左好多分行..

1 : GS(14)@2012-05-05 13:13:50

http://www.inv168.com/phpBB3/vie ... 741394673ec5223a094
文章由 pudding » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 11:51 am
哩幾日狂打黎sell personal loan

我已經Cut 左個Saving, 有無人知咩事?

文章由 bar_tender » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 11:59 am
我住個區個間分行今日last day

文章由 Jzx90 » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 12:03 pm

文章由 價值人 » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 12:05 p


由 pudding » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 12:14 pm
自置鋪! :o

文章由 價值人 » 週六 5月 5日, 2012年 12:20 pm
from 道亨
2 : carl_li(1524)@2012-05-05 14:27:47

平日見星展個鋪十大可比HSBC and BOC
3 : GS(14)@2012-05-05 14:28:18

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=279150


1 : GS(14)@2012-08-02 23:41:42

http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edga ... 2-17252_1ex99d1.htm
In May 2010, Suntech guaranteed payment obligations related to finance facilities provided to an investee company of GSF in the amount of approximately €554.2 million. As security for the Company’s obligations under the guarantee, Suntech received a pledge of German government bonds (the “Bonds”) in the amount of €560.0 million from GSF Capital Pte Ltd., a third-party investor of GSF. The Company’s investment in GSF is discussed in the Company’s 2011 Annual Report on Form 20-F, including on pages 98 to 99 and F-29 to F-30. As part of Suntech’s initiative to monetize its investment in GSF, the Company engaged outside counsel to review and assist the process. As a result of these efforts, the Company’s outside counsel recently noted certain facts and circumstances suggesting that the Bonds may not have existed and Suntech may have been a victim of fraud.

Dr. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech’s chairman and CEO said, “We are very disappointed that this has occurred and it has the highest level of attention from the Company and the board, including the Audit Committee. There is no indication that management had any involvement, and we are vigorously pursuing all avenues to resolve this matter and ensure that we protect the interests of our shareholders.”

“While we continue to investigate and take actions to resolve this matter, Suntech’s daily operations will not be impacted. It’s business as usual and we remain focused on supplying the market with excellent solar products,” added Dr. Shi.

The Company pointed out that the findings thus far are not conclusive and that Suntech is continuing to investigate this matter. The Company has filed claims against relevant parties in multiple jurisdictions to assert control of GSF and its assets, and protect the interests of Suntech’s shareholders. To the best of the Company’s knowledge, payments of all scheduled obligations under such finance facilities remain current.

Suntech is currently assessing the potential impact of the suspected fraud on its consolidated financial statements. The Company noted that it may delay its earnings announcement for the second quarter of 2012 until it completes the investigation and financial assessment. However, the Company plans to publish key operating metrics in the week beginning the 20th of August, 2012 and to inform investors of any material developments in a timely manner.
2 : GS(14)@2012-08-02 23:42:15

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... t-analysts-say.html
Capital Deficit

Suntech is operating with a “significant working capital deficit,” according to its 2011 annual report filed in April. The Wuxi, China-based company’s deficit, representing its total current liabilities less its total assets, was $523 million at the end of last year, and it said it needed “additional funding to sustain our business as a going concern.”

The company’s total short-term debt at the end of last year was $1.6 billion and its long-term debt was $149 million, according to the report. Its principal on convertible notes due next year was $541 million.

“We think the company will never be able to repay its debt, and we have consistently called the company a poor steward of investor capital,” Jesse Pichel, an analyst with Jefferies Group Inc. in New York, said today in an e-mail. “We have recommended that investors sell the stock for over a year and never had a buy.”

Of 28 analysts covering Suntech, 18 rate it a sell and 10 rate it a hold, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It was last rated a buy on May 31.

Suntech discovered financial irregularities as it was seeking to sell its 80 percent stake in Global Solar Fund S.C.A. Sicar, which is managed by a former sales representative, Javier Romero.

Suntech guaranteed a 554.2 million-euro loan in 2010 from state-owned lender China Development Bank Corp. to a GSF backer, with the German bonds pledged as collateral. Those bonds may have never existed, Suntech said yesterday, and the planned sale is on hold.
‘Weak’ Diligence

“I wouldn’t condemn Suntech management here but it looks like their due diligence with GSF was weak,” said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James & Associates in Houston. “It would be exceedingly difficult to sell more shares in the U.S. and would be at a significant discount to their current price. Most likely they will get a bridge loan from the CDB or another lender.”

Chairman Shi Zhengrong defended today the decision to funnel business in Europe through GSF. The affiliate “got better returns from developing downstream years ago when tariffs were higher,” Shi said in an interview.
3 : GS(14)@2012-08-02 23:42:30

http://thehousenews.com/finance/ ... %E5%A4%B1%E8%B9%A4/
尚德將有關疑似欺詐事件,歸咎於公司一名前銷售代表Javier Romero。該批抵押品的消失,將可能令債務纏身的尚德更加捉襟見肘。公司需要於明年償還到期的5.4億美元債務。管理層表示,正進行調查,並延遲了第二季業績的公布。
4 : GS(14)@2012-08-02 23:43:11

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/3 ... dit_dlbkam_20120731
The potential fraud, which the company blamed on a former sales agent for the company, Javier Romero, could stretch Suntech’s already-strained finances to the breaking point. The company already must repay about $540 million in debt next year, and if it had to make good on all of the loan guarantees, it would owe nearly $680 million more.

Executives said that they were investigating and that they might delay reporting the company’s second-quarter earnings.

“This has the highest level of attention from the company and the board,” Dr. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech’s chief executive, told investors on a conference call. “We are vigorously pursuing all avenues to resolve this matter.”

The announcement sent Suntech’s shares tumbling by almost 15 percent to $1.34 in New York trading on Monday.

In May, Suntech announced a first-quarter loss amid a sharp decline in panel shipments and the added costs from the first round of tariffs imposed by the United States Commerce Department. In two separate cases, the department determined that major Chinese manufacturers of solar cells benefited from unfair subsidies by the Chinese government and have been selling their products below cost.

On Monday, Trina Solar, another major Chinese manufacturer, said its shipments for the second quarter would be about 20 percent lower than expected. And this month, the city of Xinyu said it would pay the debt of LDK Solar, a manufacturer based there that has also been reeling from losses.

But Suntech’s situation may be worse than the other major manufacturers, analysts said, because of its high debt, which they put at about $2.3 billion.

“If this was an American company, there is little doubt in my mind that it would be the next Solyndra — in other words, just a bankruptcy waiting to happen,” said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James.

But Mr. Molchanov and other analysts said that because Suntech has long been one of the largest solar manufacturers in China, with a strong standing in the industry, state-owned lenders in China were likely to continue supporting it.

The potential fraud stems from Suntech’s involvement in the Global Solar Fund, a European company that invests in companies that own and develop solar farms, said David King, Suntech’s chief financial officer. Between 2009 and 2011, the fund sold $346.8 million worth of Suntech panels through affiliates in Spain and Italy, according to a filing earlier this year.

Suntech is the main investor in the fund, with an 80 percent stake. Dr. Shi has 10 percent and Mr. Romero has the other 10 percent through an entity called GSF Capital.

Seeking to develop projects after the credit crisis, the fund turned in 2009 to the state-owned China Development Bank, Mr. King said. The lender required a local guarantor with assets in China in order to make loans. As a result, Suntech agreed to backstop a credit line from the bank to a company called Solar Puglia, and in turn secured collateral of its own in the form of German government bonds from Mr. Romero’s entity.

The company said it now believes those bonds may be fictitious.

Suntech executives said outside advisers they hired to help them sell Global Solar Fund assets to raise cash found indications that the bonds never existed. The company has filed lawsuits to gain control of the fund and its assets.

The plans to sell the fund’s assets are temporarily delayed, Mr. King said, and the company is pursuing other credit sources and issuing bonds in China to help raise money.

Analysts said the very lending that has helped China dominate the global panel market so rapidly is creating some of the problems Suntech now faces.

“Bottomless access to bank debt really allowed the Chinese companies to continue to sell at losses and have poor profit-and-loss income statements in order to gain market share,” said Adam Krop, an analyst at Ardour Capital. “Unfortunately that’s not working out for them right now.”

Before the most recent events, Suntech had been seeking to raise as much as $750 million from American investors. But Mr. Krop said it would be difficult for Suntech to raise money in the United States because investors had been “burned for too long by these names.”
5 : 鉛筆小生(8153)@2012-08-02 23:54:07

6 : GS(14)@2012-08-02 23:54:50

7 : GS(14)@2012-08-04 14:44:33



7月30日,尚德發佈公告稱對公司投資的環球太陽能基金管理公司(GSF Partner)相關方提供的反擔保展開調查,初步發現該筆總額達5.6億歐元(約合43.587億元人民幣)的反擔保可能存在瑕疵。











而當GSF Capital的反擔保存在時,尚德即可以拿反擔保的5.6億歐元德國政府債券來支付這筆貸款,而當反擔保被證明為無效時,那麼尚德就要100%自掏腰包來填補這個窟窿。



















截至2011年12月31日,尚德已在GSF項目中投入1.56億美元,另有9440萬美元的資金拆解承諾。在2011年11月,尚德將所持的GSF6.7%股權,合計2000股,約1220萬歐元的作價轉移給了Mr。 Romero——其為GSF Capital的實際控制人。
8 : greatsoup38(830)@2012-08-04 14:47:16


環球太陽能基金管理公司(Global Solar Fund,簡稱GSF)反擔保涉嫌欺詐一事(見本報7月31日《尚德海外基金現「瑕疵」 連環擔保涉嫌造假》),再度將深陷光伏危機的無錫尚德推到風口浪尖。




如今,尚德電力這筆2008年6月份發行的總額高達5.75億美元的可轉換優先票據(Convertible Senior Notes),將不得不面對突如其來的變故。










發行文件顯示,這筆5.75億美元的可轉換票據,發行利率為3%。一年後,國際金融危機突然爆發,使得光伏行業陷入谷底,此筆可轉債收益率一度飆升至18.2%。公開消息還顯示,管理亞洲17億美元不良資產的Clearwater Distressed Fund曾大量買入當時價格已大幅下跌的尚德可轉債。








8月1日,一家名為Maxim Group的投行給予尚德電力股價「賣出」評級,並將目標價由0.5美元下調至0美元,其認為,面對自有現金流為負的局面,尚德將很難有足夠的現金償還債款。







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1 : GS(14)@2015-03-10 22:51:23

新加坡一名年過花甲阿叔,追討華裔情婦近50萬坡元(300萬港元)的禮物費案被判敗訴,他坦言感到失望,並指事件曝光後,經常被人指指點點,但堅稱他與情婦只有性無愛,還險些吃光他的老本。「她跟我說已離婚,感到寂寞,需要找個人來滿足她的需求。」67歲的柯姓(Kua Tee Beng,音譯)已婚商人稱,來自中國的葉女(Ye Caiyan,音譯)主動發動追求攻勢,他才心軟包養她。柯氏坦言兩人年齡相距26載,深明情婦只喜歡他的錢,但形容女方「口甜舌滑」,加上自己「心軟」,因此答應照顧她與三名子女,並承諾每月給予她至少3,500坡元(1.9萬港元)的生活津貼。柯氏坦言,自己結過兩次婚,與前妻育有三名子女,他2010年因葉女的侄子在其車房打工,因此認識對方,再發展兩年「父女戀」,並維持兩年,熱戀期間,一直深信對方,並送上50萬坡元(280萬港元)禮物品,包括三隻勞力士錶、珠寶首飾等。熱戀期間,他甚至用她的名字投資置業,但交易完成後,女方突然開始迴避他,因此認定對方圖騙財,入稟追討280萬港元禮物品,包括33.5萬坡元(188萬港元)房屋首期,但上周被判敗訴,「我只能責自己墮入她設下的陷阱。」不過,獲判勝訴的葉氏並無因此鬆一口氣,她反駁說:「他毀了我的誠信和聲譽,我現在要低頭走路,我信錯了人。」葉氏聲稱自己從未追求柯氏,並反問:「我需要一個老男人來滿足我嗎?」她稱當年男方主動追求,並承諾在財政上照顧她與家人,她深受感動因此發展關係,惟男方的妻子發現他們的關係後,對方突然「人間蒸發」,她形容男方「滿口謊言」,還因禮物費與她對薄公堂,「我以為他帶給我幸福,怎料他帶我落地獄」,她如今只希望事情盡快完結,繼續好好活下去。

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20150310/19070716
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=288356

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