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全球勞工運動:拒絕burn out

2016-05-02  TCW

近期,法國政府擬取消每週35小時工時限制,逾萬名勞工上街抗議,鄰近的德國勞工部長卻想禁止主管下班後透過通訊軟體干擾員工,就連英國、美國都確定調漲最低薪資。五一勞動節將至,工時全球第4長的台灣勞工是否也該拒絕過勞(burn out)?


to burn out 過勞;筋疲力盡

A:Germany banned its managers from contacting staff out of hours to prevent employees from burning out.


B:Wow,I wish Taiwanese government enacts the same policy.

(哇,真希望台灣政府也能制定這種政策。)to amend 修訂

A:However,France plans to amend the 35-hour workweek,which prompted the protest across France.


B:The government claims to help the economy by making it easier for companies to hire and fire workers.

(政府宣稱能重振經濟並讓企業彈性調整聘雇。)minimum wage 最低薪資

A:On the other hand,Britain thinks increasing minimum wage can in fact boost its economy.


B:If the government doesn't get the balance right,it will risk being unaffordable for small businesses.



1.culprit:罪魁禍首2.workforce:勞動力3.work-life balance:工作與生活的平衡4.compensatory time:補休


PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=196128

【陶傑嘲笑】burn the emperor=燒賣皇?中硬譯英菜名嚇壞老外

1 : GS(14)@2017-06-10 13:31:50


上月底,陶傑在個人FB出Post,勞氣地說香港某酒樓菜單,竟然用爛英文翻譯嚇壞人,引起網民熱烈討論。有網民猜疑是餐廳東主疑用google translate來翻譯,引發笑話。

我們從中選了五個最具地道特色的菜名,Abalone burned emperor、Summer door fried noodles、Cool melon class belly rice、Dishes far dragon fried noodles和Pickle pork fillet rice,考考外國遊客和香港市民,看看他們猜得中多少個。

鮑魚燒賣皇譯成Abalone burned emperor。



來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20170609/20049461
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=335134

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