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美古融冰 歐巴馬:拒為歷史所困

2016-04-04  TWM


Havana is only 90 miles from Florida, but to get here we had to travel a great distance -- over barriers of history and ideology. For all of our differences, the Cuban and American people share common values in their own lives. That's why I believe our grandchildren will look back on this period of isolation as an aberration, as just one chapter in a longer story of family and of friendship. Since 1959, we've been shadow-boxers in this battle of geopolitics and personalities. I know the history, but I refuse to be trapped by it.




ideology/aɪdɪˋɑldɪ/意識形態例句:Some people view ideology more than life.


aberration/abˋreʃn/失誤、偏離常軌例句:The authority sees these protests as an mental aberration of the minority.


shadow-box假想敵;為迴避最重要問題,製造煙霧彈例句:He is not tackling the real issue; he’s shadow boxing.


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