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Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,

On behalf of the Senior Management Team, I condemn the behaviour last night of HKU students who (amongst others) put the safety of Council members, including me, and University and security staff at serious risk, and besieged the building in which Council had met so that we were unable to leave for several hours. This is not the way to achieve progress: we will always be willing to engage in rational discussion and debate with students but we cannot condone mob rule. The actions were totally unnecessary because the Council had earlier, as announced in a press statement at the end of the meeting, unanimously agreed to commission a review into the University’s governance which was one of the central demands that the students had made publicly. The scenes last night will have further damaged the University’s reputation and they bring no credit to those involved: HKU students should be capable of better. Video images were recorded and will be made available to the police.

Professor Peter Mathieson
President and Vice-Chancellor




PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=183796

港大生 吸經驗抗校委會

1 : GS(14)@2016-09-28 04:51:34




Samuel現任學生會評議會時事委員會署理主席,罷課前自覺是港豬。他是李國賢堂宿生,獲宿友邀請參加罷課,「去聽何式凝同周保松,more inspiring than上堂聽嘅嘢」。他的佔領記憶現已依稀,「當你佔咗30日佢係無動於衷,呢30日就白費咗,冇理由再extend落去」,但他仍義無反顧參與升級,「唔覺得流血係好大付出」。雨傘過後,Samuel指身邊同學開始關心校委會事件,「好多大學一早安插晒(建制)入去,雨傘之後啲人sensitive咗」。對抗校委會過程中,從設定爭取的目標,迫使校方與學生討論及叫價,學生都吸取傘運教訓,不容對方伺機拖延,「雨傘一定係一個reminder,大家有吸取教訓,當然做唔做到就大家定奪」。■記者白琳

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20160928/19784339
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=310348

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