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來源: http://www.yicai.com/news/2016/03/4757699.html


新華網 2016-03-04 23:42:00


新華網北京3月4日電 李克強3月4日看望出席全國政協十二屆四次會議的經濟、農業界委員並參加討論。









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思考的碎片--20160312圍棋的獎金大概率會減少 Nainital的碎片哥

來源: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a54e96a0102wb6a.html

作為投資者最關註的不應該是結果而應該是這個結果帶來的影響,畢竟投資者是無法決定誰獲勝類似投資者無法決定任何政策任何趨勢,投資者就是解釋這個趨勢這個結果這個政策帶來的影響 而且是量化的解釋 用鈔票解釋。


我特意找了下 國際象棋的獎金歷史。從這里大概可以看到 扣除通脹因素。1990-2000年之間是國際象棋獎金歷史高峰。現在是下降趨勢很明顯。對比歷史 1996年是Deep blue和卡斯帕羅夫的比賽嘿嘿。貌似國際象棋的歷史支持我的觀點。

1886, Steinitz-Zukertort: £800

The prize fund was split evenly. Steinitz won the match +10 -5 =5.

1891, Steinitz-Gunsberg: $3,000

Steinitz won the match +6 -4 =9 and took home a $2,000 winner’s share.

1921, Capablanca-Lasker: $25,000


Capablanca won the match +4 -0 =10, but only received $12,000 in prize money. Lasker got the other $13,000.

1927, Alekhine-Capablanca: $10,00

Alekhine won the match +6 -3 =25, but Capablanca received a $2,000 appearance fee.

1935, Euwe-Alekhine: $10,000

Euwe won the match +9 -8 =13 and the $10,000 stake.

1966, Petrosian-Spassky: $2,000


In this era of Soviet dominance, the world chess championship was an internal affair. Petrosian received just a $2,000 bonus for winning the match. 

1972, Fischer-Spassky: $250,000

Bobby Fischer brought unprecedented interest and money to the world chess championship. In addition to the gigantic purse, Fischer demanded — and received — 30 percent of the match’s television rights and gate.

Fischer, of course, won the match +7 -3 =11 and the winner's share of $156,250.

1978, Karpov-Korchnoi: $560,000


Karpov took home $350,000 for winning the match +6 -5 =21.

1990, Kasparov-Karpov: $3 million


Kasparov won the monster $1.875 million winner’s share by going +4 -3 =17 in the match. 

1995, Kasparov-Anand: $1.5 million


Kasparov took home a cool million for beating Anand +4 -1 =13 at the top of the world. 

2000, Kasparov-Kramnik: $2 million


Kramnik shocked Kasparov and the world and won $1.33 million for his +2 -0 =13 performance.

2006, Kramnik-Topalov: $1 million


The prize fund was arranged to be split evenly at $500,000 each regardless of result, and appropriately enough, Kramnik won the match on tiebreaks. 

2008, Anand-Kramnik: €1.5 million ($1.9 million)

Anand claimed the title by going +3 -1 =7, but each player took home the same $950,000 share

2010, Anand-Topalov: €2 million ($2.8 million)



Anand defended his title, going +3 -2 =7, and won the $1.68 million champion’s share.

2012, Anand-Gelfand: $2.55 million

Anand won the match on tiebreaks, receiving $1.53 million. He also was granted a $400,000 bonus from the Indian government.

2013, Carlsen-Anand: $2.5 million



Carlsen won the title and $1.5 million by going +3 -0 =7.

2014, Carlsen-Anand: €1 million ($1.25 million)



The winner of the match will receive $750,000, and the loser will take home $500,000.


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