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第四版「聰明的投資者」的序言 一隻牛的投資日記

Warren E. Buffet:
To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book ( The Intelligent Investor) precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply the emotional discipline.

If you follow the behavioral and business principles that Graham advocates--and if you pay special attention to the invaluable advice in Chapters 8 and 20--you will not get a poor result from your investments.

Whether you achieve outstanding results will depend on the effort and intellect you apply to your investments, as well as on the amplitudes of stock -market folly that prevail during your investing career.

以上幾句是摘自巴菲特在Financial Analysts Journal, Nov/Dec 1976, 發表的文章,也是第四版「聰明的投資者」的序言。我個人體會是,

  • 對的策略
這書(The Intelligent Investor)所說的就是對的策略,尤其是第8和20篇。
我個人認為「 keep emotions from corroding that framework」


 When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble.
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=40747


 Warren E. Buffet:
To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What's needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book ( The Intelligent Investor) precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply the emotional discipline.

If you follow the behavioral and business principles that Graham advocates--and if you pay special attention to the invaluable advice in Chapters 8 and 20--you will not get a poor result from your investments.

Whether you achieve outstanding results will depend on the effort and intellect you apply to your investments, as well as on the amplitudes of stock -market folly that prevail during your investing career.

以上几句是摘自巴菲特在Financial Analysts Journal, Nov/Dec 1976, 发表的文章,也是第四版“聪明的投资者”的序言。我个人体会是,

  • 对的策略
这书(The Intelligent Investor)所说的就是对的策略,尤其是第8和20篇。
我个人认为“ keep emotions from corroding that framework”


 When it’s raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble.

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=176361

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